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Dec 14, 2014

Making Skelly Dungeon, a Zelda clone part 1

I have now started working on the last assignments for the first programming course. The assignment consists of using SDL, a library for media functionality additions to C++, to make a clone of an old school video game.

The Team

On this assignment I'm working together with Dee Majek whom you can find here: https://gamedesignandthings.wordpress.com/

The Game

We've chosen the first Zelda game for NES to clone. We wanted to make something along the line of a dungeon crawler inspired buy nethack, but since ASCII art didn't fit with the assignment we chose to start out with Zelda and perhaps make some fork in the road ahead and add our own design.

The Start

So far we've made a list of objects in the game and written down their properties, behaviors as well as their relationships with other objects. This will create the framework for when we'll start coding the objects into the game. These objects are the player, the enemies, the items, pretty much everything in the game is considered an object.

During the project, we will write what needs to be done and then order them in a priority list. Every time we continue working on the project, we look at the list and pick an unfinished task and update the task to "in progress". When the task is finished then you mark it as such and look at the next task in line. When a priority level is finished, you can move to the next level and work on that.


And I'll be updating our progress on this blog! Expect pictures, code and perhaps even design reasoning. Oh, you want a picture now? Sure, hang on.

Picture of potential player

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