Fundamentals of game design chapter 1 exercise 2: Use a chessboard and chesspieces and the ways they move to create a cooperative game where two players work together to achieve a victory condition.
My first idea on this is to have the colors represent each player. This makes it easier for the players to consider themselves important and also guides them in what they can move. I want the enemy to start on the other side of the board and have a system which moves their pieces. The system is taken care of by the players moving according to rules. It's turn based and the players have their turn together with both of them moving and then the enemy moves.
The still needs to be something which separates the players pieces from the enemies, since the colors are the players own. The pawns are pretty boring, so they can be given to the enemy. Also, if the players begin on one side of the board then there is only eight spaces where they can start (if we consider only using the back row).
If the players only gets the tower, horse, knight and queen the starting point can look like this: THKQQKHT with the player colors split in the middle.
The pawns should be boss like to create an enemy. If you have four pawns in a square that looks pretty threatening. The pawns can move like pawns move regularly, except they are one big pawn. But let's have two big pawns because otherwise it would be too easy. If the pawns could move to multiple targets, then the players get to choose the direction.
This looks like a good starting ground. Now, off to playtest this and then report back the result.
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