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Jan 26, 2015

Start of new course, Welcome to Magic Writer!

The course introduction happened, we we're introduced to Scrum and we've now met our senior mentor who will act as Scrum Master. It's time to start the new project!

Magic Writer!

For this project we have:

Simon Lundgren - Lead Designer (that's me!)
Semih Parlayan - Lead Code
Ara Mohammed - QA
Anders Schultheiss - Lead Sound
André Bengtsson - Lead Art
Marcus Prytz - Producer

As the lead designer on this project I will write the design document and I will try to envision the game and how it will turn out and then convey that to the team.

So! What I'll be posting on this blog for the following 5 weeks are the design decisions I've made during the project. I don't know right now how comprehensive it's going to be, but I'll do my best to make it interesting.

Until next time!